Bitcoin Carbon Credits Cattle Farming

An article discussing a speculative attack on the carbon credit system to sustainably rebuild the U.S. food supply chain and redenominate fiat into bitcoin, cattle and topsoil.

There is a lot of interest and discussion among the Bitcoin community surrounding our food supply chain, its fragility and solutions to the problem. There is a general consensus on what needs to happen: resilient, independent genetic cattle stock need to be reintroduced en masse into the U.S. to provide a more robust meat supply. Regenerative ranching techniques need to be used with said cattle to rebuild the topsoils of the country and stop the desertification of the Midwest. Citadels with independent water and energy resources need to be built that will use those techniques to responsibly manage large tracts of land, producing a food supply chain that is not dependent on inputs to survive.

Credit: Source link

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